
Confirmation Dates 2024

Queen of the Universe Girls N.S. on 24th February 2024 at 11am in Bagenalstown Church 

St. Brigids Boys N.S. on 2nd March 2024 at 11am in Bagenalstown Church     

Newtown N.S. on 9th March 2024 at 11am in Newtown Church       

Ballinkillen N.S. on 16th March 2024 at 11am…

Eucharistic Ministers & Readers WANTED

It would be great if we could get  parishioners to help out at any of our masses in the parish. Please contact the parish office if you would like to  become a Reader or Eucharistic Minister. Thank you to those who have  given their names  already but if you are just even thinking about it…

November—Remembering our Dead

November—Remembering our Dead

November is the month when we traditionally remember our loved ones who have gone before us. The Tree of Life is an encouraging  symbol. Just as in Spring, new leaves turn into new life. Such is our Christian hope regarding the promise of everlasting life.

Please write your loved ones name and…

Yearbook 2023

Be of good cheer the Parish Yearbook is back to provide yet another Christmas treat.  If you would like to have your story, article, club, association or school news considered for inclusion, please email to no later than 1 October 2023. Photographs should be sent as jpegs. We look forward to hearing from you. Any queries…

ACCORD Marriage Preparation Facilitators

Accord is  recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation facilitators.  Marriage facilitators are part of a team that prepare couples for the sacrament of  marriage. Couples find our courses fun, engaging and very relevant, while facilitators gain valuable life skills.  If you are interested, we would be  delighted to hear from you.  Please  contact…

Visit to the Housebound

Visit to the Housebound will be attended

Tuesday 9th May 2023

Tuesday morning—Town Area

Tuesday afternoon –Ballinkillen Area & Newtown Area


First Holy Communion 2023

First  Holy  Communion                                             

First Holy Communion      Dates 2023

Newtown N.S.  6th May at 11:00am  in Newtown Church

St. Brigids Boys N.S. 6th May  at 1:00pm  in Bagenalstown Church

Ballinkillen N.S. 13th May at 11:00am  in Ballinkillen Church

Queen of the Universe Girls N.S. 20th May at 11:00am in      Bagenalstown Church




NEWTOWN—Friday 2nd  June at 8:00pm

BALLINKILLEN—Friday 9th June at 8:00pm

BAGENALSTOWN—Friday 16th June  at 8:00pm

DUNLECKNEY—Friday 23rd  June  at 8:00pm




on Saturday 25th February at 6:00pm

 in Parish Church

Healing Mass and Individual Blessing with the Glove of St. Padré Pio.




St. Andrew’s Parish Church Fundraiser

St. Andrew’s Parish Church


Country Concert 

on Wednesday 29th March at 8:00pm in Parish Church

Louise Morrissey, Olivia Douglas, Johnny Carroll,

Alister Fingleton, Rossi M, Teresa & The Stars as backing band

Tickets €20 Available from Parish Office – 059 9721154, Local Shops & Eventbrite